Corporate / Government / Administrator Training

Dr. Dan Lumley is the person to contact if your corporation is looking to improve overall communication or enhance presentations. I attended his seminar with two other corporate colleagues and we left with a wealth of information, new ideas and new processes, which we tweaked to fit our specific needs. We plan to bring Dr. Lumley in to customize a program specifically to meet our needs.

Area Vice President

Educational Software Sales

Dr. Dan Lumley’s professional development training sessions, presentations and conference keynotes focus on Tips, Traps, Tools, and To Dos to improve the effectiveness of presenters and meeting facilitators. Dr. Lumley’s training sessions have helped leaders in education, business, and government design training programs and sessions that promote learning and are enjoyable, memorable, and engaging.

Effective Presentations

Business success can be largely dependent on the effectiveness of presentations. Business presentations are a means to efficiently convey the message to the target audience, convince and influence them. Dr. Lumley’s has trained thousands of educators and business leaders throughout the United States on how to develop engaging presentation strategies that communicate, motivate, and facilitate.

Meeting Facilitation

Making meetings work is an important leadership skill. Poorly run meetings are a huge productivity killer in government, corporations, and school districts. Bad meetings drone on forever and never seem to get to the point, leaving participants wondering why they were even present. After attending a good meeting participants leave feeling energized and believing that something has been accomplished. Effective meetings need structure and order. Without these elements they can go on forever and not accomplish a thing. Among the tips that Dr. Lumley presents are how to: deal with blockers, develop an agenda, stay on time, ensure appropriate meeting behavior, and avoid meetings “from Hell”.




Corporate / Government Training

Dr. Lumley will have your audience laughing, taking notes and inviting him back to their home office/district to hear more. His topics are timely, relevant and filled with facts and humor. I would highly recommend you consider Dr. Dan Lumley for your next event.

Chamber of Commerce Manager